

  • Plain Text : 明文,可以被人类或者激情理解的内容
  • Ciphertext : 密文,加密后的内容,一般不能直接被人类或者机器所理解,需要解密
  • Encryption : 将 Plain Text 转换为 Ciphertext 的过程,通常使用一种加密算法(Encrypt Algorithm)
  • Decryption : 解密,将 Ciphertext 转换为 Plain Text 的过程,通常使用和加密算法(Encrypt Algorithm)相对应的解密算法(Decrypt Algorithms)
  • Cipher : 加密和解密过程中算法使用的密码。
  • Block Cipher : 在对数据进行加密之前,需要首先将其分割成块(Block)
  • Stream Cipher : 加密过程中无需将其分割成块(Block)
  • Key : 通常值密钥对(公钥/私钥)


Algorithm Description
Advanced Encryption Standard, also called Rijndael
- Symmetric Cryptography
- Block Cipher 。encrypting data in 128-, 192-, 256-, 512- bit, blocks using a 128-, 192-, 256, or 512-bit key
Blowfish - Symmetric Cryptography
- Block Cipher 。encrypting data in 64-bit blocks using the same 32-bit to 448-bit keys for encrypting/decrypting.
CAST5 - Symmetric Cryptography
- Block Cipher 。 encrypting data in 64-bit blocks using the same up to 128-bit key for encrypting/decrypting.
Data Encryption Standard
- Symmetric Cryptography
- Block Cipher 。encrypting data in 64-bit blocks using the same 56-bit key for encrypting/decrypting.
3DES 增强的 DES 加密算法
- Symmetric Cryptography
Data is encrypted up to 48 times with three different 56-bit keys before the encryption process is completed.
IDEA - Symmetric Cryptography
- Block Cipher 。 encrypting data in 64-bit blocks using the same 128-bit key for encrypting/decrypting
RC5 - Symmetric Cryptography
- Block Cipher 。 encrypting data in 32-, 64-``, or 128- bit blocks ,using the same up to 2,048-bit keys for encrypting/decrypting
RC6 - Symmetric Cryptography
Same as RC5, but slightly faster
EI Gamal - Asymmetric Cryptography
Uses two keys derived from a logarithm algorithm
Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems - Asymmetric Cryptography
Uses two keys derived from an algorithm containing two randomly chosen points on an elliptic curve.
also called ArcFour or ARC4
- Stream Cipher
encrypting data in 64-bit blocks using a variable key size for encrypting/decrypting.
RSA 最流行的非对称加密算法,使用 Public/Private Key 进行加解密
- Asymmetric Cryptography

Symmetric Cryptography

Symmetric Cryptography : 对称加密,也叫 密码加密(Secret Key) 或者 私钥加密(Private Key) ,它使用一个 密码(Key)Plain Text 进行加密(Encrypt),在解密时需要使用同样的 密码(Key)Ciphertext 进行解密,它的优势是 加解密速度快(性能优势),缺点是 密码(Key)要在加密和解密时共享,容易泄漏

Linux 上流行的 Symmetric Cryptography 工具是 OpenPGP,由包 gnupg2 提供了命令 gpg2 (GNU Privacy Guard)。RHEL 系列一般默认安装了 gnupg2,Ubuntu 可以使用命令 apt install gnupg2 进行安装

以下示例使用 gpg2 对文件进行加密:

# tar -cvzf /tmp/backup.tar.gz /etc
# gpg2 -c --force-mdc \
-o /tmp/backup.tar.gz.gpg /tmp/backup.tar.gz
Enter passphrase: ******
Repeat passphrase: ******
# cd /tmp ; file backup*
/tmp/enc/backup.tar.gz: gzip compressed data, last modified: Thu
Jan 30 02:36:48 2020, from Unix, original size modulo 2^32
/tmp/enc/backup.tar.gz.gpg: GPG symmetrically encrypted data
(CAST5 cipher)


$ gpg2 -d --force-mdc /tmp/backup.tar.gz.gpg > /tmp/backup.tar.gz
<A pop-up window asks for your passphrase>
gpg: CAST5 encrypted data
gpg: encrypted with 1 passphrase

Asymmetric Cryptography

Asymmetric Cryptography 也称作 Private/public Key Cryptography,它使用一对密钥(Key Pair),由 Public KeyPrivate Key 组成,其中 Public Key 是可以公开的,而 Private Key 必须私密保存(不公开)

Private/public Key Cryptography 有以下特性:

  • 通常情况下,Public Key 用来对数据进行加密,Private Key 用来对数据解密
  • Public Key 加密的数据,只有对应 Key Pair 中的 Private Key 才能解密
  • 高度安全
  • 相对于 Symmetric Cryptography ,性能上较差,且公私钥管理较为复杂

Linux 中,gpg2 工具也可以生成和管理 Private/public Key Pair